Shoes and Bon Ton

Shoes and Bon Ton

Shoes and Bon Ton

By Nicola Santini - bon ton and etiquette expert, author of NON LO FACCIO PIU’

It is a popular topic, because with summer the heat, the desire for comfort and the sales always in "ambush", the temptation to make mistakes is always strong, so it’s better to deal with certain points on which to walk with ease.

According to the Etiquette, basic women's shoes are only 3: the decolleté, the open toe and the chanel now designed and produced in patterns and colors for all tastes but also within these types you should know how to choose in the most appropriate way according to the context in which we find ourselves.

Let’s start from the heel that should be chosen depending on the time of day and the occasion. Regardless fashion, the spool heel, the square and the cigar ones are those for the day, while pin and stiletto are more suitable for the evening.

The ideal heel should be between 5 and 8 cm but in very elegant and formal situations it can be much higher, as long as you know how to walk on them.

Pay attention to very low shoes, which are ideally more comfortable, but can be tricky as regards to posture, which sometimes ends up being too relaxed and poorly put together, precisely for their comfort.

The rule for all shoes is to always keep them clean and in perfect condition: no broken heels, low-cut soles, scratches or greasy uppers. Part of the game is cleaning and treating your shoes with care, turning to, when needed, a shoemaker for repairs and maintenance.

The feet are no less so: open shoes oblige to have them always neat and well trimmed and can not be used in all circumstances. For example, they should be avoided in places of worship and at work.

In very formal contexts, according to the etiquette, never barefoot, always with very light socks, with all due respect for the fashion professional insiders who reject without appeal the use of the nude effect sock.

Fashion and etiquette are often divided on the use of socks: basically all the closed toe shoes call for tights and stockings, whereas the open ones don’t, unless there’s a very formal event.

Another hot topic that will cost me the unfollow of many fashion bloggers: etiquette wouldn’t want the use of socks, knee-highs or similar for women, but starting from a couple of seasons ago, we now see, even in summer, the open shoes with sponge socks. What to say? You are the only ones who can choose if you want to be elegant or trendy. Fashion is beautiful also because it passes. And we hope that this one will pass.

Talking about places of worship, in certain contexts, shoes should be removed.

Now that we are in the travel and holiday season, it’s better to get some useful infos.

Churches and temples aside, we often have to deal with landlords who ask their guests to take off their shoes before entering. This request is fine if we are talking about shipowners for matrices and guests are on board of a boat, at home the request sounds quite weird.

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